Every year at this time, I reflect on what I’ve accomplished and where I’m heading. The new year is a good time to do this type of inventory, because there’s a virtual line between old and new. Say goodbye to the old and hello to the new, so to speak. In reality time is just one continual blur,
so any date could be used as a reflection point. Deliberately or not, I always tend to reflect more at this time of year.
Looking back, I really did a lot this past year. I produced 2 art exhibits, entered several shows, and applied for and received a grant. I spent a lot of time last year helping others on their journey. I’ve learned a lot.
This year, it’s time to work on me. It’s time to put the energy into my own artwork as I get ready for an exhibit in November 2016. I realize I’m easily distracted [dutifully noted, as I just spent 2 hours working on my website]. I find it easy to help other people, but find avoidance in my own productivity. This is going to change this coming year. I’ve been clearing my plate of many things so that I can find more studio time.
One thing that I’ve been doing the last couple months is search for creative inspiration. Every day, I try to look for and photograph things that inspire me. I tend to find the most beauty in the natural world. I enjoy seeing the color pallets that naturally occur around me. The form, structure, and design created in nature is pretty amazing too.
When I can’t be in the studio, these photographic essays are a way for me to entertain my creative sprite. They also inspire me with ideas for my art. I’m not sure how all the images fit, but having them in my “library” will prove to be a great resource when they’re needed.
It will be interesting to see how this next year advances. Right now, I don’t have many hard core plans yet, but that’s what January is form…thinking and dreaming about what I’ll make of 2016. As always, I’m looking forward to a new year and I hope you are too!
Happy New Year!