Only a few more days until the new year is here. Its all coming together — the holidays, the new year, and my fast approaching birthday. I spend a lot of time this time of year reflecting, but I’ve also stepped back and took a break these last couple months. I’m finding myself feeling anxious to get started in my studio again. I haven’t seen my studio very much the last 2 weeks and I think my sewing machines miss me. Well, at least, I’m missing them. We have a home improvement project planned for the rest of the week, so the machines will have to remain on vacation a few more days. Hang on 2017, we’re almost there.
This coming year, I really want to get focused on a number of things with my art career and keep the machines humming. I know my biggest struggle is time. I guess we all have that issue because our lives are so full; family, friends, work, hobbies, staying connected, managing the household, paying the bills…it all takes time.
I’ll keep it short today and wish you happy new year. Thank you for following me on my journey and, in this upcoming new year, I hope you find time for all the things you love.