Who I’ve always been

Pages 9-12 of a 100 Day Stitchbook Challenge 2024 (20 pages in 100 days)

Back in January, I made a commitment to myself to follow along with Anne Wood’s 100 Day Stitch Book Challenge. At the time, I thought 100 days was a lot to commit to. But, the requirements were only 15 minutes a day and I felt I could handle it. I also wasn’t going to lose anything if I skipped a day or happen to not complete the full 100 days. The only person I would disappoint is myself. Since, I wouldn’t be letting anyone down, I decided to go for it.

Here I am 76 days in and I’m surprising myself that I’m still meeting the requirements. There was only one day so far (this past weekend) that I almost missed. Yet, in the wee hours of the evening I remembered, pulled out my stitching, put in the 15 minutes and then went to bed.  I’m learning a lot about myself during all of this. Namely, I’m learning that if I make a commitment, I will do my best to complete it.

I’m also re-discovering that I like hand stitching. Hand sewing was one of the first sewing skills I learned. I remember the little sewing cards I had when I was a child. They had designs (like a puppy, goose or clown) printed on stiff cardboard with holes punched into it. I remember threading yarn through the big-eyed needle and pulling the needle up and down through the holes. When I was done, I’d pull all the stitches out (or maybe mom did) and I’d start again.

It doesn’t seem like very long afterward, that mom had me sewing by hand on fabric. Then, shortly after that came crewel embroidery, needlepoint and, later, machine sewing. I’m realizing I’ve been hand sewing almost all my life. No wonder this comes to me so easily. It is just part of who I’ve always been.

[What is your sewing story? I’d enjoy hearing it.]

4 thoughts on “Who I’ve always been”

  1. My story is very similar with counted x-stitching instead of needlepoint. Hand embroidery and later hand quilting were my saviors during health events that kept me inactive. Now my cats can’t resist a threaded needle moving, so I do machine free-motion stitching–my favorite part of the whole process.

    1. Oh, I did some cross-stitching too. I understand the issues with the cat. Mine likes to sit on my lap while I’m knitting, not very helpful when I’m working on a sweater or blanket.

  2. My first sewing memory is sitting on my mother’s lap at her machine. I had to sit on her lap because I wasn’t big enough to see the needle on my own! I remember my hands on top of hers to guide the fabric under the needle to make the seam. I can still see this in my memory, how small my hands were con top of hers! I made most of my clothes thru high school, Mom sewed some also, but mostly knitted sweaters, scarves, mittens.

    1. What a lovely memory Cynthia. So detailed and full of emotions, and such a life-long gift for your mother gave you as a child. Beautiful!

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