Something good to report

Have you missed me?
It has been over a month since I wrote my last blog post. A lot of things happened since then, but nothing that should be worrisome to anyone but me.

My lack of writing fell into 2 issues; lack of time/focus and a failure with a company I was using to send out my email. I had to do some research to find out what to do next. Do I stick with the old company or find another option?

My decision was to go with a new company, which meant setting it up, transferring things over and…then the other issue: My website. I designed my site many years ago and just let it ride comfortably falling into neglect. I decided that before I add any new components to my site. I needed to do an overhaul. I’ve been working on it all week. Not 100% satisfied with what I have, but walking forward now. After crashing the site and getting it operational, I’m ready for primetime with new skills about working with WordPress’ Block Editor. This is my first blog post since the change. So my fingers are crossed that I’ve done everything right and back in touch with you.

So I have nothing too profound to share with you this week, except…keep at it, even when it seems overwhelming. There is always light at the end of the tunnel. And…breathe…

Oh yeah! I entered my framed quilt “Celestial Gift of Honey” into a local art exhibit (see photo). It won 3rd place and sold. There’s always something good to report.

Photo Courtesy of Joy McGugan

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