Art by someone else

I am lucky to say that I have a diverse and eclectic group of artist friends. Sometimes you meet people randomly and instantly like them. My friend Joyce Atkinson McGugan is one of those people. We met 5 years ago at an art exhibit were we both were exhibiting.

A couple months ago we met up for another art exhibit. When I saw the piece she entered, it blew my mind. Joyce paints. I was initially attracted to the teal-blue blocks of color she used. And, I was also extremely attracted to the textures she created. Among other textures, I notice she embedded vintage lace in her work. The color AND the textiles…WHOA! I wanted to know more.

As we talked, I remembered a collection of lace and doilies I was gifted with a number of years ago. These textile pieces once belonged to a friend of a friend who had collected them over the years. They had no “emotional” connection to me. Since they weren’t some great family heirloom, I knew I wouldn’t have guilt about altering them.

We all have stuff we collect, and, if you’ve been reading along the last few months you know, I’ve been working on eliminating things that no longer fit into my life. I offered the pieces to Joy

I met up with Joy again yesterday and I got to see her newest artwork. Again, I was blown away seeing how she used the vintage lace I gave her. I had to show you.

I find it amazing how artists view things. Something that I couldn’t envision using, became a piece of art by someone else.

~Nanette S

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