You already are

Recently I had several conversations with strangers who told me they weren’t artists. They said it in a way that made me believe they really wanted to be. One replied, “I’m not an artist because I can’t even draw a stick figure” (he laughed). Another said, she couldn’t paint or draw. And as she elaborated, she shared how she loved to restore old furniture and work with wood.

At a local festival this weekend, I encouraged a young girl to paint on a blank canvas. She asked me, “Are you an artist?” I answered yes, then asked her the same question. She bowed her head and said no. I replied, “do you want to be an artist?” She said “yes” and I answered, “then you are one.”

I can go back through my timeline and remember all the various creative things I did at each stage of my life. For many of those years, I sounded defeated in my desires, just like the people I recently conversed with.

I look back and think how wrong I was. During my journey someone stopped me from believing I could. I can’t place that blame on anyone specific. My mother truly encouraged me. I don’t recall my dad ever criticizing my art. Maybe it was my classmates who I frequently compared myself too. All I know is I believed everyone was better than me, so I must not be an artist.

Over the years, I’ve learned that there are some art things I can do more proficiently than others. Some I could probably do better if I gave it more time to master. I accepted failure quickly and I suspect the person who stopped me the most, was me.

I never gave up though. There was something that encouraged me to continue. I’m still at it exploring new things and experimenting. I have many started projects that seemed so exciting in the beginning…but sit waiting for me to decide if I’m going to complete or discard them.

These recent conversations have me wondering about the label of “artist.” What is the definition? It seems some believe it is the ability to draw like Micheal Angelo or paint like Picasso. I know that’s what I believed.

Now I know it isn’t about how popular or successful we are or how much money we make from our art. An artist is the creative energy that is part of our DNA and inspires the person to make. As I told the young girl, if you want to be an artist…then you already are.


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