Still ticking

“Art doesnt get made on the clock.
But it can get finished on the clock.
” ~ Rick Rubin

I’ve been watching the clock a lot lately. Slowly checking off all the things that I’ve piled upon myself. My anxiety was fierce early on. Yet, as I tick things off the list, I feel more confident that I’m capable of doing all that I committed to.

Rick Rubin’s quote hits home. If it wasn’t for deadlines, I don’t think I would have accomplished as much as I have.

I’ve decided deadlines are good things. They help prioritize to-do lists and can force me to say “Sorry, no, I can’t do that.” Sometimes you have to prioritize yourself. Saying “no” isn’t easy. Will I disappoint someone? Or, will I have to deal with the fear of missing out (fomo)? Am I going to regret the decision, later?

I’ve said no to quite a number of things this month that I really wanted to do. Some were once-in-a-lifetime opportunities that gave me pause. But, I gave every decision time and I’m OK with it. I have to be. That’s really all we can do; decide, be OK with it, then move on, because the clock’s still ticking.




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