Live on within my creations

I’m in the final stage of preparation for an art exhibit locally at the Arts Council of Moore County’s Campbell House Galleries. I was invited to participate in this exhibit with 3 other very talented women who live in the area. There will be an acrylic/collage painter, a stained glass artist, a potter and me, a textile artist.

I’ve participated in exhibits here before, each time with a different collection of artists. I’m excited about sharing the gallery space with these ladies, because I believe our artistry will compliment each other. We’re each working independently, so its always a surprise when we bring our artwork together for an exhibit.

Last month, I was in final prep of the pieces and this month I’m focusing on the prep for displaying the work. Everything needs to be ready to hang. This means, hanging sleeves and rods for larger quilts, and framing for smaller textile pieces. This time I’m working smaller than usual, so I am spending more time prepping the canvases and framing. I have to say, I kind of like doing this part of my art.

The photos above represent what I’ve been working on, but it also reminds me of all the life experiences that helped get me here. Its not just about me finding my artist voice, it is also about all the other’s who where there along the way. When I look at these images, I remember my grandmother’s who, when I was a child, inspired me with their lovely handmade gifts. I remember my mom for teaching me to sew when I was ten. And, it is also my dad when I was a kid teaching me how to paint and use tools around the house. They’re all gone on to another world, but they each live on within my creations.

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