Perfectly imperfect

“Flower Garden 2 – Single-flowered Zinnia” by Nanette S. Zeller

I’ve been spending a lot of time the past couple weeks sitting in front of my computer, editing videos. I filmed a couple of “classes” last year and now I have time to edit them and get them up on Teachable for you to see.

At a certain level I could be considered a computer geek. Way before most people had an email address or even a computer, I was designing eCommerce websites. It’s funny to think about it now, because those of us developing those simple sites weren’t sure how the world would embrace the technology. Was it just a passing fad to purchase things online?

Now most everyone knows about Amazon. [I remember when they only sold books!] Things were much simpler then. I would use a simple text editor to write the code. It would take awhile to upload the tiny (for today’s standards) file over my dial-up modem with that piercing “handshake” sound connecting it to the server. Wow, have things changed. The software I’m using to produce my classes is very sophisticated. I can’t believe all the tools that come with it…

In some respects, it is amazing to have the powerful equipment to use in creating. But, in other respects I find all the bells and whistles distracting. There’s too much to keep up with. And I question whether I should be keeping up with the technology in my art practice, too?

This week, out of curiosity, I researched computerized embroidery machines. There is a fascinating amount of power in some of these home machines. Plug in a design into the machine’s computer and minutes later you’ll have a stitched emblem. So perfect.

I decided to pass on this advancement. I’d rather create something that is perfectly imperfect.


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