Need creative time

I’ve had a creative past few weeks. Last week, I submitted artwork to a open call exhibit and completed 2 pieces for another upcoming exhibit. This week I’m working on a commission for a family member. I’m also working on another art quilt that I want to submit to a call for entry that closes next month. Then there’s also the hexagon quilt that I’ve been working on, which I’ve decided needs to be submitted to another call for entry with a January deadline.

I’ve been my comparing my mindset to last year, when I was working on a number of different pieces for a joint exhibit at the local Arts Council. Last year, I didn’t feel half as motivated as I feel now. Part of my current surge in productivity is that I have several open call exhibits that are holding my interest. With the various deadlines, I can space out my weekly priorities.

I function better when I focus on one project at a time. Yet, there needs to be a balance between my household, computer and art making work. I’ve learned each of these tasks need different brain energy. It is not easy for me to switch from one task to another. Focused time is important to me.

I need to advocate for myself and remind myself of the priorities. No one else is going to tell me, “go lock yourself in your room and create.” However, the dogs, in their cute way, tell me they need to be walked. And, the bank reminds me that the bills need to be paid. My dear husband reminds me that its dinner time. And, the dust accumulating on the shelf reminds me its time to tidy up.

Sometimes, we have to remind our ourselves that we need creative time.

2 thoughts on “Need creative time”

  1. Absolutely; we need creative time! If the time we reserve for creativity is overruled too many times or for a too long time, it feels like a form of starvation.

    1. 100% !!! I have felt that way; starved and craving to get back to my art. If I stay away too long, it can be difficult to get back into it.

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