A week into the new year and I’m having a variety of emotions. There’s a lot going on the next couple months….that’s a good thing. Yet, I have some uncertainty to where it will all lead. I guess we all have that feeling. Life is definitely uncertain.
I’m currently in a “season” of doing technical activities. Which means I’m not creating much and that makes me feel a bit stale. But the good news is, I’m making progress with these techy tasks.
Around this time last year, I joined a 100-day challenge. (I shared some of that journey on this blog.) I surprised myself on how committed I could be, by allowing myself 15-minutes each day to work on a slow-stitch fabric book project. Working on the stitchbook, I discovered that these challenges were “sort of a thing.” A lot of people annually take part in this activity. Last year was my first.
With all this tech stuff I’m doing, I’ve been craving this focused flow-state type of creativity. I wondered if I should I join Ann Wood’s challenge again. But, as much as I loved the mindful stitching, there were other things I wanted to do and I kept putting them off because there was no time.
Over the past couple of years of writing this blog, I’ve heard from many creatives expressing the same concern: How do I find time? I remembered last year I had enough time to do the challenge. Fifteen minutes daily was very doable. So why don’t I just commit myself like I did last year? Procrastination, distractions, and priorities all play into it…but the thing I really lacked was commitment. I never told myself…just start… AND…I didn’t have anything to keep me accountable. Procrastination is a real challenge.
This year, instead of joining someone else’s challenge, I decided to start my own. However, I knew if I worked alone, I’d likely make an excuse to stop. I know I need to recruit some friends to join me…
Hey…wait a minute? What about you?