
“Soar” – 63″ x 31″ by Nanette S. Zeller (inspired by a photo by Brady Beck)

Yesterday at 4am, my dog, Dakota, woke me up to be let out. Although this sounds early, it’s kind of a ritual in our home to rise and shine before sunrise. I could have slept in, but my brain decided to engage full fire. I couldn’t get back to sleep. I think most of us have had days like these.

What normally happens when I can’t sleep is my brain worries about all that needs to get done. I feel overwhelmed and I panic a little about some huge to-do list ahead of me. Yesterday was different.

The thoughts running through my head at “oh-dark-thirty” weren’t overwhelming, but instead exhilarating. It was like my brain finally realized that I was into a new year with new opportunities. When it was finally time to get out of bed, I was ready to take on the day.

The enthusiasm has continued into today. All the things I pondered, in my time “off” the last 2 months, were ready for me to take on full speed. As usual, I don’t truly know where any of this is going. What I do know is that I can not sit back and ignore opportunity. I have a check list of things that I plan to do with deadlines that need to be met, quilts to be made and proposals to submit. It feels good to have direction and enthusiasm.

I hope this week you too see the potential in your life. Walk away for the negativity and focus on what you want in life. Remember, that the only thing you can change is yourself. Enjoy the journey and godspeed!

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