How do you retire from that?

Last week I was given some good news which included a deadline. July is going to be busy month.

My primary mission right now is to keep the creative energy flowing while I continue on this journey. There are days I feel like I’m on fire with excitement; days where I just feel tired; and days where the energy is somewhere in-between. But with everything I feel, there’s always one constant…time.

Time moves quickly, that’s for sure. As I was flipping through photos last week, I was reminded of all that I’ve done and all that I have left to do. My brother and father both retired in their mid-50’s, but I feel like I haven’t even started yet. Actually, I don’t think I ever will retire. How do you retire from something that is your life’s work?

I’ve always had art and creativity in my life and I’ve always had textiles. I dream about it. I crave it. I feel lost when I’ve been away from it for more than a day. It is my life’s blood. How do you retire from that?

4 thoughts on “How do you retire from that?”

  1. Never in my life have I ever planned on retiring. It is almost a dirty word to me. Even if I never needed the money, I would get up every day as long as I am able and accomplish something. That would most likely be making some kind of art.

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