The past 2 weeks, I’ve been designing postcards and business cards; doing layout work in Photoshop, and dealing with technical issues with my Internet Service Provider. There was a time, as part of my career path, I would spend all day doing computer work. It never phased me. I realize I’m not as patient anymore. Maybe things have gotten more difficult or maybe its just me.
This past week, I’ve also been designing an art quilt. I use patterns to create my applique designs. I could probably draw the design elements on paper, but I prefer to have a computerized (vector) line-drawing that I could re-size and re-use. Without going into too much detail, these vector drawings can easily be altered through the computer without distorting the quality. (note: I use Adobe Illustrator to create them).
For the piece I’m working on, I’ve been trying to change a photograph of trumpet pitcher plants (left) into pattern pieces I can use in my design (right). I succeeded, but along the way I had to re-learned some old skills and realized that there’s probably a better/easier way. (It doesn’t help that my software is a little bit dated.)
I could throw in the towel with all of this technology, but that’s not me. I am willing to learn new skills, but I also want to improve on skills that I already know. This is true for my computer work, but also true for my design, artistic and quilting skills. I crave learning and I’m always thinking of how to improve what I know.
At times, it feels frustrating learning new things. Its takes time to learn and become proficient. Its important to be patient with yourself. The first attempt may or may not be good and you can bet its not going to be a masterpiece. Give yourself time and practice; you will improve.
“As Nature Speaks, a dialog with an art quilter”
Featuring the artwork of Nanette S. Zeller
Oct 11- Nov 24, 2018
Page-Walker Arts & History Center, Cary, NC