Here with me

How’s your January going? Between weather events and facing some difficult challenges, I’m happy to say goodbye to January.  Goodbye and good riddance.  I’m ready to start over and begin some new adventures.

I’m optimistic that February is going to be good, because that’s when the Feb/Mar 2018 edition of Quilting Arts Magazine hits the newsstand. Since I subscribe, I’ve already received my copy and perched on page 82 is another article written by me! I’m so very excited!

I’ve known about this for a little while. Over the summer, I wrote this article and the one in last month’s edition. I use to work for a publishing company and they always advised us not to talk about an upcoming publication. You just never know …. until you’re in print, anything could happen to stop publication.

I submitted both proposals early last year and waited several months before I heard anything from the editor. I was so overwhelmed and honored when editorial director, Vivika Hansen DeNegre, sent me 2 congratulatory notifications on the same day. Both articles were accepted! I completed both by the end of September. I also prepared samples to show my process and sent them off to be photograph. Yes, I was busy those few months, but I couldn’t let you know. Now it seems like so long ago and seeing them in print is surreal.

I’m excited that I can finally tell you about it and hope you get a chance to read the articles. I still have copies of the Dec/Jan edition in my Etsy store and I will be adding copies of the Feb/March edition very soon (I’ll even autograph them if you like). These publications, along with some other changes I’ve made in my life, mark the start of a new direction for me.  I’m looking forward to this  journey and I’m glad to know you’re here with me.


I’ve been published!

Quilting Arts Magazine
Cover Artist
Click Here to Get a Signed Copy!

This is all making me think

Yet another snow day here. January has just been full of cold and wet weather. Between holidays and bad weather, will things every get back into a normal schedule?

Yesterday, I had a conversion with a friend who is a textile artist. It was very thought-provoking for me. There’s a common ground you find with people on the same path in life. There’s an understanding of the inevitable challenges we face in our profession. You realize you’re not alone in the struggles. When you talk with someone who understands, you not only find support, but you also find yourself thinking more deeply about your own personal journey.

When you decide to be a professional artist, unless you’re very lucky (or wealthy), you have to be responsible for all tasks of running your business. You are the marketing agent, shipping clerk, bookkeeper, administrative assistant and technical support team all encased in one body (and mind). Within a normal 24 hour day, you must accomplish the business tasks and find time to create the art.

Then there’s the question of “How??? Do I make the money?” Do you stay true to the artistic voice that screams in your head? Or, do you sell out and go for the money promoting products and services? Or maybe you do a little of both? And then what happens when, let’s say after you’ve made a name, you decide to venture into some other style or art form?

It really becomes a balancing act. I have artist friends who are in the business of marketing their art at very commercial levels. And, I have others friends who are in it for art sake. Its interesting to see how they both push themselves (or not) and what happens to them on the journey. I know my weaknesses and strengths. And on this snowy Wednesday, this is all making me think.


I’ve been published!

Quilting Arts Magazine
Cover Artist
Click Here to Get a Signed Copy!


Bring. It. On.

What the heck? It seems like last week I was working on this pinecone art quilt (pictured) and I just walked away for a brief moment. Today, I’m back in my studio and its still where I left it, but several weeks have past. And… now I’m living in an entirely different year. I don’t understand, where did the time go?

Well of course I understand, life gets in the way. Its just crazy how it can do that. Now with December holidays and the winter bomb cyclone behind me, I’m ready for this new year.

In the past, I’ve made resolutions and chosen a word to inspire me through the new year. Unfortunately, six weeks into the year I usually have forgotten my resolve. This year, I’m just going to keep on keeping on; more time in the studio, more time seeking teaching opportunities, and more time enjoying life.

Bring. It. On.

With good company

Browsing the magazine isle at a local grocery store, I had this surreal experience of looking up and recognizing one of the cover images. I know that bird on the top shelf all too well. He was born in my soul and now graces the cover of Quilting Arts Magazine. I’m happy to see he’s hanging out with good company.





See my work and discover my process of “Creating Highlights & Shadows
Quilting Arts Magazine
December 2017/January 2018
available in book stores or online at Interweave Press

Waiting for some realism

On October 25, I posted a photo of my Eastern Towhee in progress. I start with a basic line drawing which I use to cut out the fabric pieces and fuse them to my background fabric. I hinted that there was more to the process. Today I’m going to share that with you.

The one thing I’ve noticed about most fusible applique techniques is that the pieces look flat and cartoon-ish. I’m far from being a realist in my artistic style, but I do crave more realism in my work. In life, objects aren’t 2-dimensional, they reflect light and shadows. That’s what I want to see in my design.

A few years ago, on a whim, I decided to take a Prismacolor pencil drawing class from a local artist and friend, Frank Pierce. I enjoyed the class, but didn’t think I’d every use what I learned. Then, I had the ah-ha moment of, “I wonder if I could use the pencils on fabric?” That started me on a mission of exploration. These colored pencils gave me a tool to add the shading I was looking for. But as with any discovering, I realized there was more to it than just coloring. If you want to know more about my specific process, then you might want to pick up a copy of the Dec17/Jan18 Quilting Arts magazine. There’s an article in there where I explain the techniques I use. I’m pretty excited about the possibilities of using these pencils in my art.

This little bird still isn’t finished. There’s some stitching that needs to get done, but I’ll share that later because right now I have another bird in the works waiting for some realism.





See my work and discover my process of “Creating Highlights & Shadows
Quilting Arts Magazine
December 2017/January 2018
available book stores or online at Interweave Press

The right answer to “how?”

I’ve been a long time subscriber to Quilting Arts magazine. Over the past decade they have truly inspired me to pursue my artistic interest. This past week I received my Dec17/Jan18 copy of the magazine. It’s always a surreal moment when you see your artwork in print. The honor is even greater for me this time, since I’m such a big fan of the publication.

All of this is about taking a leap of faith. That’s what I truly hope to inspire in other people. If you really want something don’t say “can’t.” Try to come up with the answer to “how?

This idea has long been in my head, but it took several things to push me over the edge. One thing that happened was I met Lea McComas while I was at Quilt Festival in Houston about 2 years ago. I knew who she was, had admired her work, and saw her a number a times during my visit at Festival. On my last night there, I went to dinner with my sister and a friend and had to use the restroom. Lea happen to be in line waiting and we started chatting. Just casual chatter. On our way back to our respective tables, she asked me “Why haven’t you published?” I know I came up with some excuse, but our conversation hit a nerve. When you’re at these shows, its interesting how random encounters become meaningful and inspiring events.

I really don’t know why Lea asked the question, but it hasn’t left me. I even jotted her question down on a piece of paper and tacked it to a bulletin board in my studio. I wanted to be reminded. At the time, there really wasn’t a good answer to her question. But her question left me pondering my personal barriers and eventually finding the right answer to “how?”



See my work and discover my process of “Creating Highlights & Shadows
Quilting Arts Magazine
December 2017/January 2018
available book stores or online at Interweave Press

Creative afternoon

There are a lot of moving parts working around me right now. I’ve been trying to update my website and start scheduling classes and workshops for 2018. Last year, I took a short hiatus from teaching, but I’ve decided I need to get back into it.

I’m happy to announce, that I’ve finally made my workshop and lecture page live. I know this is going to be an ongoing work in progress, but the big first step is done. To get started, I scheduled a few classes at Cary Quilting in Cary, NC. I love this shop, the people who work there, and the fabric/supply choices they offer. It’s especially gratifying to teach somewhere that you like to be.

The first class on my schedule is my pincushion class at Cary Quilting on Sat, Dec 9 from 1:30-4:30. The pattern is a slightly modified version of a pattern I wrote for Quilts & More magazine in 2011. I loved using fun fabrics on the one pictured here. The best part is how it feels. Its filled with crushed walnut shells and has a nice weight, so it stays put. If you’re in the area, maybe you’d like to join me for a creative afternoon.


Put yourself out there

It has been over 10 years that I began reading Quilting Arts Magazine. It has always been my bucket list dream to grace the pages of this inspirational publication. I came close in 2012, when my pet portrait of my dog “Storm” became Mr. September of their calendar.

Since then, I pondered to myself, what do I have that’s worthy of their reader’s interest. I use a lot of tools to create my art, but everything felt ordinary. A few years ago I began experimenting with Prismacolor pencils on fabric. I was so impressed with the depth I could create (my piece “Silenced,” on my home page, was enhanced using them).

I’ve been asked several times by artists I admire, “Why aren’t you publishing?” I had no answer. Early this year I decided to take their challenge and submit a proposal to Quilting Arts. To my joy, they accepted. This summer I wrote the article and created the supporting artwork, I’ve been waiting to share the news since July.

Having worked in the publishing business for many years, I was always told don’t talk about it until its in print. Anything could happen along the way. Today I got the OK to share the news, but to my surprise I get to share even bigger news. My summer tanager gets the limelight as the cover artwork. I cannot explain how amazingly surreal this is. Dreams come true when you put yourself out there.


See my artwork at your local newstand
Quilting Arts Magazine
December/January 2018

How this goes

The heats on in the house, my winter clothes are now in my closet, and the leaves are starting to change color. Its fall and winter is heading our way. I love this time of year, but as I’ve gotten older, I don’t like the winter darkness as much. Seems like as soon as it gets dark my body clock tells me its time to sleep. That’s not a so good for 5:30pm.

This month my goal is to catch up on some things and prepare for the upcoming new year. This is more of a challenge given the shorter days. I read an article this week that talks about how we allow other things to filter into our daily agenda which take us away from other things we should be doing. It was interesting to read that I’m not alone on this juggle.

So between the diminished daylight and tasks that need to get done, I plan to set myself up for success. For starters, I need to makes lists. I have a pretty good memory for my to-do list, what I don’t have is the ability to prioritize in an effective manner. My lists aren’t going to be so much about doing things, but more about what needs to get done next. We’ll see how this goes.

Creative journey

A few weeks ago, I shared a “sketch” for my newest bird in my songbird series (you can see it here). The sketch becomes the line drawing I use for making fusible applique artwork.

For those of you who don’t know, fusible applique is a way to glue layers of fabric together. The fusible product (aka web) is ironed to the wrong side of the fabric. Pattern pieces are then cut from the fused fabric and assembled on the background fabric. The assembled fabrics are ironed again to activate the fusible web and adhere all the layers together.

Fused fabrics are not meant to be a permanent way to adhere the fabric together. The fusible web can come loose with handling, which isn’t good for long-term stability. So, after the fabrics are fused they should be stitched in place to make sure all the layers are permanently joined together.

My fused applique Eastern Towhee, shown in the photo, could be stitched in place as it is, but I like to add another layer of interest before I do my sewing. I’ll show you that step in an upcoming blog post. So stay tuned and keep enjoying your creative journey!