“A person who makes something today, isn’t the same person who returns to the work tomorrow.”
~Rick Rubin
I have this small collection of indigo fabrics that I dyed. I took a class in shibori a number of years ago and since then have played several times with the indigo dyeing process. Thanks to a friend who sent me some seeds, this year I’m growing indigo plants in my garden. The same blue in the Shibori is the blue that I love in my jeans.
As I pulled out the fabrics, I thought back to when I last worked with the indigo. It has been awhile. Memories flushed through me. I flipped back through my photos looking for photographic evidence of how long ago it was. A lot has changed, yet everything seems the same, but then again, it is not. I am different. The quote (above) from Rick Rubin says it all.
Right now I’m working on some new artwork. Although it is a familiar design, it isn’t the same. As Rick notes, I’m different each day. The project effects who I am. My thought process changes. My confidence or sometimes the lack of confidence changes. Yet no matter what I’m doing or feeling, I remind myself to continue. There’s a new day ahead, full of new opportunities. It is important that no matter what I do, I must keep trying. Keep learning. That’s how we grow. That’s how we thrive. And, just because I’m getting older, doesn’t mean I should stop learning. I feel the urge now, its time to make something. Its time to learn something new.