Your attention

This week, I’m still playing with wool. It’s crazy because all it is, is fluff. When I open the storage totes it is like opening Pandora’s box. The contents explode with colorful bits of fibers. I’m having plenty of “ah-ha” moments. I’m learning how various fibers behave. I’m learning which colors work best together. I’m also taking a simple technique that I’ve used many times and re-inventing the process.

The good thing about all of this is that it is fun for me; it is play time. Don’t worry, I’m not giving up on my art quilting, I’m just exploring. My brain is actively processing how I can incorporate this felting process into 2-D wall art. I’m learning how colors play together. There are some palettes that I love. There are some that don’t seem to do anything for me. There are others that seem like duds but crave something else to give them a pop. I’m engaging my brain in a very active way.

I realize from all this that I was needing to explore something new. Each day, I’m excited to go play. The good thing about the process is I can create in small increments of time. I use it as a break period during the day. I make a bowl, then go back to other tasks. I will eventually have to put all this wool and silk away. There are other projects that need my attention and the space I’m using.

I just want you to know…it is ok to try something new. It is ok to make things even if it may not make sense to other people. It is ok to explore. Remember that your muse can be like a small child demanding your attention. There’s a reason for that ….because it does need your attention.



“Want” to do

My blog post last week had me thinking that I’m in need of some creative play. I’ve been doing a lot of techie stuff the last few months and I really needed to get back to my art. I’ve been feeling a bit stuck. I think it is mostly because of the “have to do” attitude I have about many of my projects. Some of the things I “should” do and some I “have to,” but what about the “want to” projects?

I was thinking about when I started on this journey in the late 1990’s. I’ve always created (learned to sew and crochet when I was 10). I loved art and my mom encouraged me. She loved creating too, so I think maybe she found a kindred soul in me. Anyway in the 90’s, I finished grad school and started working. I had plenty of free time outside of my work hours. So I really picked up on my “crafts.” Sewing, knitting, crocheting…I was prolific. Then, I was introduced to traditional quilting in 2001 and I went bonkers with it. Whatever I wanted to make, I made. I was like an addict with a “give me more” desire. I wanted to learn more. During this time I took a class to learn needle felting by machine. Super fun and yes! I acquired all the supplies … including the felting machine.

Now, with the direction I’ve taken the last few years, time seems more limited. There are plenty of have to and shoulds. I love doing what I do, but I wasn’t exploring as much. I wasn’t pushing the envelope of “what if…”

So with a little bit of down time this week, I decided to pull out my wool supplies and play. I started making bowls and small wallets last year, but I never really gave myself permission to play with the materials. This week, I’m playing with the fibers. What happens when I use different types or colors of wool? What happens if I add other bits of material (yarn, silk, cheesecloth, etc) into the felting process? What else can I do with the felted wool? My brain is happily engaged and I’m greatly inspired to create. Since everything is set up, I can pop-in during the day and play for a little while, then go back to the have to do lists. Creative play is important, so I’m giving you the nudge… What creative project do you “want” to do?

Last time you played

I recently had an interesting conversation with a friend. She and I were talking about “playing.” You remember how you use to play as an 8 year old? There was reckless abandon in our actions. Who cared if we made things up? Did we notice that our clothes got messy? In the moment, we weren’t worried about what others would think about our behavior? At 8, I don’t think we cared. Mostly, we were focused on having fun.

Of course, as adults, we now know that someone might get upset if we make a mess. If we appear too silly another person might call us odd. We understand that there are rules to be followed. And, sometimes there are consequences.

But, the question is, do we need to be this uptight when it comes to our art? What will happen if we “break the rules?” Will we be OK if our artwork gets “messy?” Does it really matter? What’s the worse that can happen? Maybe we won’t like what we created. So what? Can we just play and accept it as a learning process?

On the other hand, our worst fears may not come true. There’s this potential that our play time creates something new and exciting. And, there’s a possibility that we will find renewed excitement in our art.

I admit, I don’t play with my art supplies as often as I’d like to. There’s always something else that needs attention. Maybe even another project that needs to be completed. So many UFOs (UnFinished Objects) in my closet, do I really need to start something new? The answer is YES! Creative play is important. It breaks the cycle and adds renewed energy to our art practice. Give it a try, because when was the last time you played?

The journey is not over

I spent the past week putting the finishing touches on the re-launch of my “Paint with Thread” course. Last year, I had this online course hosted with a company that decided to shut down the early part of this year. This was one of the first online courses I made and a class I love to teach.

When the hosting site shut down, I debated about what to do next with this course. I wasn’t happy with the way it was…mainly because I had more experience with the software I was using and knew I could make it better. On the other hand, I didn’t want to start from scratch and re-film everything. Instead over the past several months, I’ve been working with what I had, editing videos and revamping the course to fit my new platform “”

Now, I’m ready to publicly re-lauch the class and I wanted to let you know. Here’s an insider’s tip: I always offer new classes to my newsletter subscribers first and… I give them a discount too.

Are you one of my newsletter subscribers?

The NewZletter is a “casual” monthly email packed with info about what I’m doing. You’ll find news about publications and exhibits I’m involved with and online or in-person classes I’m teaching. I also have a separate option for subscribers to receive these weekly blog posts straight to their inbox. So, you can choose how often you hear from me. (click her to subscribe)

For me, re-launching this class has demonstrated a personal level of perseverance. I was disappointed the other company shut down, but I understood their circumstances. Did those circumstances have to stop me? Sometimes it feels that way, doesn’t it? Yet perseverance tells us to keep moving forward. Although it may feel hard, it is important to find the energy to stand up, dust ourselves off and keep walking — no matter how slow the steps may be. We are still making progress towards our goals. Remember, you’re still here and the journey is not over.



More time to enjoy life

Why is it we all seem so busy? I know I’m not alone in feeling like there’s little time to just sit and enjoy the day. This year I’ve been feeling stressed, because there’s always one more thing I should do before I allow myself time to sit. Computers were suppose to make things easier, but it seems life is now faster and harder to grab onto. We purchased our first Personal Computer (PC) in the late 1980s. I was resistant to the change. I remember the dial tone and obnoxious sound of the modem when we “connected” to the phone line. My reservations with this big, tan, square box, quickly vanished as I learned enough that I found myself teaching computer technology in the early 1990s.

Things seemed slower then…I don’t remember feeling as rushed. I guess things seemed easier because we only had a limited number of websites to visit, only one password for all our accounts, and there was no such thing as 2-factor authentication (that sure is a time hog!).

My mind is on computers, because this year I’ve been working on producing online classes. I just finished updating one that will launch very soon. I have tons of hard drive space to store all my videos, source files, software and photographs. But, compared to many years ago, this is now harder to manage as well. Especially true, if you’re like me, using the same filing system you had in the mid-1990s. (It takes me a lot of time to find that image I was looking for.)

On the other hand, computers are amazing. Because of them, I have been able to work from home for almost 30 years. I also stay in contact with you, and my family and friends who live far away. Life is traveling too fast.

What I’m learning is to better respect the way I use time. I’m learning to honor that things might take me longer than I  anticipated in my brain. I’m respecting time to enjoy activities instead of feeling rushed to move on to the next thing. I’m appreciating that what I do is enough. And, I’m monitoring (limiting) the amount screen time I have. When I look at my schedule in this perspective, I find I have more time to enjoy life.


(Note: If you’re interested, here’s an interesting podcast to get some perspective on the scarcity of time. Hidden Brain – Taking Control of Your Time)

Have patience

Over the past several months I’ve been taking lots of photos (birds, flowers, butterflies, etc.) I’m now tasked with sorting through them to decide which will be inspiration for my art. I have several ideas of where I’m going with this, but it is a chore to sort them and decide which are clear enough to use.

Birds move constantly, so you have to take lots of photos and hope to get a couple good ones. This new camera I have (thank you NC Arts Council for the grant to purchase it) is very technical. Technology is an awesome tool, but the learning curve is steep. Once I figure it out I can take lots more photos in quick succession. Which means, more opportunities to get a good image to work with. My challenge is figuring out the technology.

There are days I wish everything was simpler. I wish I didn’t have to keep learning new skills (or re-learning updated software). Its the sign of the times. I feel I either keep up with technology or fall behind.

Learning takes time. Whether we’re learning new art techniques or just keeping up with technology, we have to be patient with the process. I’m struggling with that a right now. I want to move faster, see results quicker, and not have to return to fix things that I didn’t do right in the first place.

I know that it is worth the time to learn something new. I’ll be quicker and more proficient when I do. I will also feel more confident as I move forward. I just must remember to have patience.


Don’t lose hope

This week the sun reached its fall equinox; the equal daylight and darkness. I’m ready for the shift out of summer. Even if it means shorter days. It has been a long hot summer with too much time indoors. The past two weeks I’ve been supervising home improvement projects and it’s been hard to get into the studio to play. Whenever there was a break, I sat at the computer working on an update for my Paint with Thread class.

I understand a lot more about video editing than when I first created this course. It has been sitting idle since the other platform I was using announced their closure. I had to decide: do I start all over or update it? I decided to do some updating. I’m very close to being done. And, I have lots of ideas for other classes, too. I’m looking forward to getting new online classes available. It’s creative work in a “techy” kind of way.

So until our paths cross again, remember the words of Emily Dickinson:

‘Hope’ is the thing with feathers –
That perches in the soul –
And sings the tune without the words –
nd never stops – at all –

I couldn’t say it better myself. Until next time, don’t lose hope…

Take the next step

Its been a busy week working with issues that don’t produce much in tangible outcomes. I plug along, like we all do. Hoping the micro-steps aren’t wasted time and, in the end, the results will feel worth the effort. That’s called having faith.


“Anchor down. I breathe in.
‘Cause we’ve got hope
We won’t be sinking”
– lyrics: “Hope on a Rope” by Red Wanting Blue



Since I have limited time this week, I’ll just reflect that faith is having a conviction to keep going. When the odds seem overwhelming, we keep stepping. We climb the mountain with one-step, then the other. Eventually we’ll reach the top. Don’t give up, don’t stop. Wherever you’re going…the only way to start is to begin. And, the only way to get there is with faith that tomorrow will be another day. Whatever you may be facing today, hold your head high, steady your balance and take the next step.

Be well…


Higher Plane

I’m in a transition state this week. Last month, I completed a couple of projects and now it is time to move forward with creating some new artwork. I started flipping through photos and found this tree quilt, “Solitude,” which I made in 2011. It is one of the first art quilts I ever made. I really like how I completed the background. It is a quilted whole-cloth design with an appliqued tree. After quilting, the fabric was painted with gesso, then layers of paint colors were applied with paint rollers.

I’m looking at how I handled the background and I’m still fascinated by the technique. I need to revisit this process. It was pretty intense to create. I used regular craft paint, so this quilt is stiff. I need to try it with fabric paint.

My brain is flooded with all sorts of stories about it. I remember creating it, exhibiting it, selling it and now I’m inspired by it again.

There was a time I didn’t like looking back at the pieces I made. I don’t know about you, but sometimes I can be overly-critical about my art. That’s the perfectionist taking charge. A fun way to re-direct this thinking is to image the thoughts are coming from a mischievous little pixie who whisper in your ears. You could believe them or you can just ignore what they have to say. This is part of the journey. To overcome negative self-talk, we first need to recognize it is there then decide to ignore it.

I’ve come a long way since I made this quilt. I realize now that they all can’t be master pieces. Each is made by my hands and nothing hand-made can be perfect in every way. So it is important to let go and accept where you are. As humans we are forever metamorphosing, so we can value each step along the way as a learning process. It is all part of moving to the next higher plane.

Time to remember

This past week I’ve had a flood of memories. I find it interesting how memories stay in our heads even if we don’t realize it. You think you forgot about something and suddenly you’re reminded. It all comes rushing back like you were there again, exactly at that moment.

I’ve been thinking about how memories influence my art practice, or at least how I think about my art practice. I believe most of us get caught up in our own heads. We rush around trying to deal with the day’s events and focus mostly on what’s right in front of us.

Each significant life-event is a specific moment in time. We spend days, weeks, months or even years, prepping for that very moment that we’ve been waiting for. And then there we are, taking it all in … and in a flash its gone … except for the memories.

This is how life rolls. But, I’m concerned that the accomplishments we’ve made get buried and forgotten all too quickly. So many times I can remember when I rushed and rushed to meet a creative deadline. For me, there were articles written, TV shows that I appeared in, artwork created, exhibits to participate in, and for sure don’t forget all those little gifts I made to brighten someone’s special day. If you’re like me, you’re proud of each of those events. (And, you should be!) But its done and you forget. You have to … there’s no time to think about it anymore because we’re rushing to take care of what needs attending to NOW!

When I first started quilting, I created a scrap book of each quilt I made. If I gifted it to someone, I noted the reason along with a photo. Time started running short and I eventually stopped filling the pages. Instead, I have a couple keepsake boxs of memorabilia. If its something I feel accomplished about, I toss a trinket (e.g., postcard or copy of the article) into the box. This is great…but it means nothing unless I look inside every now and then. The memory, along with the validation it generated, fades.

This week I was reminded of Lesley Riley’sQuotes Illustrated“* book she published in 2013/2014. I made the courageous lion specifically for that book. I remember the excitement of being involved. I remember stitching the design. Looking back at it I realized I’ve come a long way. My style is different and my focus has changed. But, I forgot about the book. What an accomplishment that was at the time.

Life flashes by way too quickly. Its good to reflect. Dust off the memories. Be proud of how far you’ve come. Do you take time to remember?


*Note: Copies of “Quotes Illustrated” by Lesley Riley can be located on . There are 2 editions with different covers and different number of illustrations/quotes. Publication dates are 2013 and 2014. It’s a lovely and timeless book. Great for gift-giving!