Feel grounded

My heart has been heavy. I’ve been trying to focus on moving forward in a positive way.

This weekly blog has been a habit I enjoyed. It is interesting to watch the number of registered followers I have. It stays pretty consistent. If someone unsubscribes, someone else always seems to join. During a given month, I write 2 things: this weekly blog with musings and a monthly newsletters with things related to the “business professional” side of my art (e.g., selling art, promoting my classes, etc). I’ve tried to be clear in my sign-up that it is 2-different things with different regularity.

I’ve been watching what happens on the weeks when both mailings are sent. I frequently receive a notice that someone unsubscribed on the day after the newsletter. The report regularly shows that they checked “sends email too frequently.” Oh, man. I personally understand, I too don’t like an overzealous email subscription, but what do I do? I love to write. And this has become such a habit.

What I’ve been thinking about doing is moving my blogging to Substack which is a website used by writers to publish their stuff. (Don’t worry, if you’re subscribed to these posts, you wouldn’t have to re-subscribe.) Moving would be a change and an opportunity to “refresh” what I say. My dialog will likely change. There are so many things I want to say, but don’t because I have created a “voice” that I think you expect to hear from me. I guess you can say I’m feeling kind of stale. So many things are changing around me, maybe its time for me to change too.

For right now, I’ve decided to take a little break from writing these posts. If you are subscribed to my monthly newsletter, you’ll continue to receive them. [If you’re not and want to be, click here to join me.] I look forward to keeping in touch, until then keep creating and find a place where you feel grounded. ~Nanette

Gives you inspiration

I’ve been doing a lot of computer work the last few months. As my Windows 10 computer started to fail, I decided I needed to upgrade this machine before it was too late. It took way more mental energy than I was ready for. I used to build web pages and teach computer classes, but it is definitely more complicated than back in those days. I don’t like when to computer decides for me what is going to happen to my data files. I’m definitely a stubborn child when it comes to that. So I’ve been in a battle with this new machine. I think we’ve finally reach a compromise.

At the same time, I was wrapping up a long over due process of getting my next online class up and running. It too has been a challenge, more so because I was stopping and re-starting along the way.

Priorities shifted throughout this adventure and I don’t care to share exactly how long it took to get this puppy ready for prime time. (scroll down for a special invitation)

The good news about all of this is, I’m onto new adventures. There’s some creative work mixed in with more “techie” stuff. Teaching classes and building new content, while trying to find balance between what calms my spirit and what helps support what I do. I’m sure you can relate.

We’re just a couple weeks into the new year and my energy is at a different level. I think part of the journey is continually asking “What makes me happy?

I know one thing that makes me happy is a hope of inspiring you. As a reminder, starting March 1, I’m holding a 100 Day Creative Challenge. No matter what you love to create I hope you can join me. Consider making the commitment – It’s free!! I’ll give you encouragement along the way. You can find out more and sign up here.

I’m also happy to tell you my new online class, “Frame the Quilt” class is ready to share. To celebrate this accomplishment (and my birthday), I’m offering 40% off any of my online courses through January 24, 2024 – Use coupon code SAVE40 to get the discounted price. I want to thank you for being here and reading along. It helps give me purpose to write this blog and I hope it gives you inspiration.

What about you?

A week into the new year and I’m having a variety of emotions. There’s a lot going on the next couple months….that’s a good thing. Yet, I have some uncertainty to where it will all lead. I guess we all have that feeling. Life is definitely uncertain.

I’m currently in a “season” of doing technical activities. Which means I’m not creating much and that makes me feel a bit stale. But the good news is, I’m making progress with these techy tasks.

Around this time last year, I joined a 100-day challenge. (I shared some of that journey on this blog.) I surprised myself on how committed I could be, by allowing myself 15-minutes each day to work on a slow-stitch fabric book project. Working on the stitchbook, I discovered that these challenges were “sort of a thing.” A lot of people annually take part in this activity. Last year was my first.

With all this tech stuff I’m doing, I’ve been craving this focused flow-state type of creativity. I wondered if I should I join Ann Wood’s challenge again. But, as much as I loved the mindful stitching, there were other things I wanted to do and I kept putting them off because there was no time.

Over the past couple of years of writing this blog, I’ve heard from many creatives expressing the same concern: How do I find time? I remembered last year I had enough time to do the challenge. Fifteen minutes daily was very doable. So why don’t I just commit myself like I did last year? Procrastination, distractions, and priorities all play into it…but the thing I really lacked was commitment. I never told myself…just start… AND…I didn’t have anything to keep me accountable. Procrastination is a real challenge.

This year, instead of joining someone else’s challenge, I decided to start my own. However, I knew if I worked alone, I’d likely make an excuse to stop. I know I need to recruit some friends to join me…
Hey…wait a minute? What about you?

Whoo Year

I usually write my blog posts the day before they publish. Today is January 1, 2025. Reflecting, I felt like 2024 was a roller coaster. I had some great adventures that left me smiling and laughing. And far too many deaths of people/pets who were close to me.

I was lucky to have exhibited my art in several locations around NC and a piece accepted into the Sacred Threads Healing “Art in Hospitals.” And, I’m greatly honored to have sold a couple of my art quilts and a number of small hand-made crafts.

There were opportunities for me to teach this year, both virtually and in-person.

I believe art is my passion and teaching is my calling. I think its in my DNA, because my father, brother, sister and I have all been teachers.

Like everyone, I enter the new year with wonder of what is to be. I am both very worried about the future and super excited about some things I have planned.

In my gut, I continue questioning if I’m doing enough. And, as the next birthday peaks around the corner, I will continue wondering who I am. Are you wondering too? I’ved decided to call this the “Whoo” Year.

Best wishes to you

I am still spending lots of time in front of the computer. I’m so close to finishing my newest online class. (I know I seem to say this every week.) I’m still running into glitchy things, especially working with a new computer and trying to set things up to work familiar to the old computer. I have had to add new software because so much needed to be updated and now I find myself re-learning things that I use to know so well with the old computer. Believe me (envision eye roll), I know it isn’t very exciting.

Someone recently mentioned to me that life has it seasons. I guess I am in one of these seasons now. I don’t want to stay here, but I have to attend to what’s in front of me at the moment. The only other solution I have is to give up…and I refuse to do that. Things will get finished and it will be worth it. I will be on the other side soon with an entire brain-load of new skills.

And, “yay” for me it hasn’t been all work. I can report that I did something creative this week. I made a little fabric postcard and then played with its image using my phone. Jeez, sometimes I’m amazed at what a computer can do, especially the one’s that fit in the palm of your hand.

Just prior to writing this, I thought I had another week before the Christmas holiday! But, holy moly, its less than a week away!

So, I’ll just leave this here with a wish that you have a safe & happy end to this year. I also hope that 2025 is filled with love and laughter. We all deserve it. My best wishes to you, dear friend!

With love,

You could join me

I took advantage of the Black Friday sales and purchased a new computer. My main computer was a Windows 10 that was no longer supported by Microsoft and started acting up. I didn’t want to spend this much money and time setting things up, but I knew if I waited any longer I would be spending more money and still the same amount of time.

I want things to work the way I want them to work, but this computer seems to think it’s way is best. I’ve had to restructure or outwit this machine at almost every intersection.

Oh let’s not overlook, that every program needs to be updated (e.g., re-purchased) to accommodate the updated operating system. By the end of the day my brain is frazzled, but I’m slowly seeing progress and finding comfort in the new working environment.

With that said, there’s not much creating going on. But I am thinking about how much I loved doing a 100 day stitch challenge earlier this year. I’m wondering if you would be interested in joining me in a challenge like this? Could you commit to spending 15 minutes each day, for a set number of days to work on a project of your choosing? It could be hand stitching, knitting, drawing, painting, sewing or whatever your desire. The only thing it needs to be is something creative that provides you comfort when you do it. If you’re a creative, then I bet you can think of a 100 ideas that would work.

If you’re subscribed and receiving my blog posts via email, just hit reply and let me know if you’d like to join me. If you’re reading this on my website, use the contact form available at the top of the page.

I would love it if you could join me…


Work on while you’re waiting

When meeting new people, I am always curious when someone tells me they are not creative. If you’ve followed me awhile, you know I think everyone is creative. We’re born with it, but somewhere along our journey the creativity shifts. Most little children love to color/scribble on things. So where does it all go with those proclaiming “I don’t have a single creative bone in their body.”

I think it goes to other things. I am a left brain/right brain kind of person. I majored in environmental biology and wildlife science in college. And, in past careers, I worked as a field biologist, web developer and technical editor.

All of these interests remain part of who I am, but I can see in each how my creative thinking assisted me. I’m a visual learner. When I work on technical tasks, I look for visual and rhythmic (e.g., repeating) patterns. Its a very creative way to get things accomplished.

When I have down time, I like to work on projects that are mindless…but have a rhythm to them. Knitting is a good example of my “to go” projects. There’s a rhythmic beat to knitting (e.g, “knit one, purl two, repeat”). When I take me scribble sampler with me, I’ve noticed that I look for patterns in the stitches and how I place colors or objects. I start kind of random, but as the project advances I’m thinking balance. “Do I have too much pink on one side or the other?” “Should there be more or less open space exposing the background fabric.” It is analytical thinking because I’m looking for patterns.

This all came to me this week while I sat at the dealer waiting for my car to get serviced. I like to bring something to occupy my time while I’m waiting. This time I brought my scribble sampler and it had me thinking. I wonder, do you bring a project with you to work on while you’re waiting?

~ Nanette

Most sincerely

I’m posting this Thanksgiving Eve and I bet you are busy. I will keep it short and just say THANK YOU! for following along in my journey. It makes my heart swell with love and appreciation knowing that you are here right now reading what I wrote.

Stay well and have a fabulous holiday season!!
Most sincerely… ~Nanette

(scroll down to see information about this image)

This is a wonky self-portrait I made several years ago in a class presented by a dear friend of mine. In the white border, I included some of the selvage I cut from the brown and teal background fabric. (Note the name of this beautiful Michael Miller print! Wink!)

Holding Space

I’m sitting here this morning thinking about what to write. It occurs to me that lately I haven’t been doing much “art-ing.” I’ve been busy with other things. I’m wondering if I should be worried that I’m not producing new art quilts.

As I sit here pondering and typing, I’m remembering the seasonality that sometimes occurs with me. Sometimes I have very productive periods other times there’s a lull. I remember that these less productive periods are usually valuable.

As I mentioned in last week’s post, I’m cleaning, purging and reorganizing my work space. That’s not “art-ing,” but wow! When I walk in that room, I feel a lightness and sense of inspiration. I’m not dreading going into that room anymore.

In that guest bedroom is where I do my zoom calls and recording for my online-classes. I’m currently excited about going in there to finish my next online class on how to frame small art quilts. I’ve been working on this for awhile and I’m motivated to wrap it up. Sooo, soo close!!

On other days I’m processing my thoughts. What’s next? So many ideas! I need to focus down on them…but not until the framing class is finished. So there are thoughts swirling, ideas building, and projects waiting. I’m taking opportunities to be present for inspiration, like when I was able to meet this juvenile red-tailed hawk last weekend (see photo). What a lucky day to be so close to such greatness.

I think sometimes ideas need to ferment before they’re ready to be pursued. I keep going back to the phrase “holding space” which means being present and available without judgement. And, that’s exactly what I believe I’m doing right now … holding space.


Hold on for a little bit longer

Sometimes uncluttering your mind requires uncluttering your space. Last week my body didn’t want to cooperate with my head. I was stuck.

I have things to work on, but i was also overwhelmed with thoughts about which tasks next needed my attention. I know what needs to get done, but sometimes…what needs to get done isn’t what I feel like doing.

As I mentioned last week, I decided purging was the answer. It gave me a healthy amount of work where hopefully I would see progress without too much effort.

I emptied 2 bookshelves so I could move them across the room to a new location. Instead of putting everything back on the shelves, I decided that I needed to go through every item to decide whether to keep it, trash it or donate to a charity-based resale shop.

This was hard…not the deciding… but the reliving of my journey, my life. Every item was a story. An old photo or family memento, items from school days and LOTS of patterns, sewing and craft books. Some of these creative items where from when I was in high school! Alot were from my journey as a textile artist.

As a young person I started out with basic sewing, then as an adults I got interested in quilting. Traditional quilting became a passion and I devoured the topic. I took many classes and at the time there were more opportunities locally to take classes from some of the greats. I collected their books and other little tokens. I wanted to learn everything I could!

Now, I’ve evolved into a mixed-media textile artist. I no longer have the patience or desire to do traditional piecing or machine quilting, but I was so prolific back then. I bought so many books. But, now what do I do with all the books (see image with stacked books)? I could donate them, but I’m wondering if it is worth trying to sell them for a fair price online? Or is this me trying to hold on for a little bit longer…
