Stay calm and create

We’re in some really weird times, aren’t we? As things get cancelled around me, I’ve been craving more creative time. If you’re like me, you find peace working on your projects. It’s important we stay calm right now. If creating things provides you with comfort, than you should be finding time for it in your life.

You don’t have to take on a big project. All you need are a few quick minutes in your day to reap the benefits. Here are some simple ideas to consider:

  • Find a little hand stitching, knitting, crochet, or simple sewing project to work on. Choose something that’s easy to grab and work on when you just have a few minutes.
  • Put out some paper or a sketchbook and use it for doodling.
  • Remember all those adult coloring books you collected over the past couple years (ok…well…maybe that was just me)? Pull one out and set it on table with some colored markers or pencils nearby. When you have a minute, start filling in an image. Mindless coloring is very meditative process.
  • When you’re looking for projects, select ones that don’t require “perfection” or “precision.” Your projects should be relaxing you, not adding more stress. Create without worrying about what “it” looks like. In the end, if you don’t like it, you can always cut it up into confetti-size pieces and toss it up in the air with glee.
  • When you’re working on a project, turn off the TV and put on some of your favorite music, or, better yet, work in silence. It will do your brain good.
  • If weather (and air quality) permits, find a place to create outdoors. Fresh air is reported to increase serotonin levels, so creating outside comes with an added bonus to feeling better.

We’ll get through this, just don’t forget to take time for you. Stay calm and create!


Charitable giving

Serging for a good cause

As I posted last week, the world can sometimes feel crazy and off-balance. There’s a certain level of anxiety in our world. I feel it and hear my friends share similar emotions. So many things are out of our control, but it doesn’t mean it doesn’t affect us. If you’re affected, what can you do to put yourself back on track?

One thing I like doing is paying it forward. I think it always feels good to help someone else. I try to smile at people I meet and I like sending notes or gifts to people unexpectedly. I like sending surprises!

I also like putting my crafting skills to good use. Over the past couple weeks, it made me feel better to knit hats for Warm Up America. I felt better partly because I was knitting, which to me is a form of meditation. But, it also made me feel better because I was helping someone I would never know.

This week I finished making two scrappy quilts that I will donate to my guild. Many quilt guilds collect quilts to distribute to nursing or youth homes in the local area. And Yesterday, I stopped at a local Days For Girls sew day and serged components for their reusable feminine hygiene kits that will be distributed to impoverished woman around the world.

There are so many opportunities for us to share are talents and help others. It just feels good to help, even if we’re only helping in a small way. I don’t want the recognition for it, I just want to know that I’m doing something to make a situation better. Do you participate in charitable crafting (craftivism)? Share your story!