Tomorrow i
s Thanksgiving day! Although, I try to be thankful every day, Thanksgiving is a celebrated day of reflection.
Our show at Campbell House is still hanging. We have an Open House scheduled for Monday, Nov 28 and a gallery sale on December 2 & 3 (see details below). I’m grateful that this exhibit is hanging for an extended period and that there are many options for people to visit. Looking at the pictures of my art hanging along side the artwork of my friends, I’m reminded of this journey I’ve been on.
Several years ago, I was in turmoil. I wanted to be an artist, but didn’t know what that meant. People told me that I already was an artist, but I didn’t agree. At that time, I had a specific grasp of understanding about this label. In my mind, an artist was someone who created original ideas and they also hung their artwork in “art” galleries.
As I step back and look at this exhibit, I can reflect on the journey and how I got here. I can see that my artwork portrays original ideas and hangs in art galleries alongside “fine art” paintings. I’ve created the persona that I was striving for so many years ago. This journey wasn’t easy and there is still a road ahead.
Along the way there where so many people who influenced me, helped me, and believed in me. That’s ultimately what I’m thankful for this weekend. I’m also thankful that I didn’t give up. I may have gone on some detours, but I always got back on track. I believe that spirit of never giving up comes from those who are no longer with me on this big blue marble. They set the mold, pushed me out the door and then stepped away. It’s all part of some giant plan that continues to unfold.
I’m also thankful for having the ability to share this journey with you. My hope in each of the personal reflections I share with you is that they remind you that you are in control. If you want it, then believe it and you’ll achieve it. Just remember to stop along the way to reflect and be thankful.
Join me for:
“Paper, Canvas, Cloth”
November 4 – December 17, 2016
Open House — Monday, November 28 — (2-4p)
Holiday Art & Jewelry Sale – Friday, December 2 — (9a-5p) & Saturday, December 3 — (10a-4p)
Campbell House Galleries, Southern Pines, NC
featuring the work of
Sharon Ferguson, Marilyn Vendemia, & Nanette S. Zeller