I am a recovering perfectionist.
Today, I realize that I’ve been in relapse for the past several months. My body and mind is feeling the stress of this annoying alter ego. Its time to slow down.
I’m reminding myself, I can make mistakes and survive. I am human. I live and learn, but I will keep moving forward. I realize that negative emotions reflect my values. If I get mad, sad or scared about something, it is because its deeply important to me. And its OK to feel these things. You can’t go through life always being happy. Life is messy and complicated, with frequent unexpected curve balls. That’s what makes it all so interesting and entertaining.
So on rainy days like today, I remind myself that its OK to seek quiet. And I remember what my dad once told me, “Don’t worry. Things have always worked out for you.” So I’ll be quiet and not worry, because so far he’s been right 100% of the time.